Daises on my dress.
Hi everyone,
wow I really love summer it's my favourite season and not just because it's my birthday but because of warm nights, long days, green everywhere and because everyone is free and you have so much time that sometimes you don't know what to do with it. Also it's a great time because my panic attacks are almost gone so I don't feel anxious as I use to. I was under so much stress but now I don't give a fluff about anything. I know that I shouldn't push my problems away but I really need this time for myself.

I know that everyone has insecurities bigger or smaller they are still there and I know that you can't simply ignore it. But there are also some things that we like about ourselves. For example I really like my eyes because they're quite big and blue which is one of my favourite colours. Also because only 20% of world population has blue eyes.
So I want to know in the comments what is one of your favourite attribute and why do you like it.
Also the dress is from Pimkie which as you know is one of my favourite shops. And this dress is one my favourite because it's so summer-y and it's really comfortable. This one also has daises on it which are one of my favourite flowers. The hat is from H&M and I remember that I bought it the first week I started high school when II went shopping with my schoolmates who I really miss. There weren't any photos of my shoes but they are flats which I bought in Mass.
Hope you liked this post and as always I will
See you soon
Great post dear. Loves
Such a beautiful smile! <3 Maybe it helps you, my boyfriend told me that a tooth gap is a sign of luck ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAw thank you, well honestly now it's too late because I'm going to get rid of it.
Izbrišii really like your blog:) very cool post you look great :D
OdgovoriIzbrišimy blog http://styledivision1.blogspot.com/ :)
Awww thank you:)
IzbrišiHola Lala,
OdgovoriIzbrišihvala za čudovit komentar na mojem blogu. Znašla sem se v Španiji, zaradi ljubezni, ker pa je kar dolga, zanimiva in nenavadna zgodba, najboljše da si jo prebereš sama na blogu: http://evelinamalina.blogspot.com.es/2014/07/pismo-domov.html
Objave iz Fuerteventure, se začnejo od zgornjega linka naprej.
Svojo družino vidim po Skypu vsak teden, sem pa jih zdaj videla v živo komaj po enem letu (: Kdaj se bomo videli naslednjič, še točno ne vemo..
Btw, luškan blogec in zelo lepe slike.Tvoj nasmešek je pa nekaj neizmerno posebnega in lepega.
IzbrišiHvala z odgovor bom z vesljem prebrala:) in hvala za tvoj komentar:)
IzbrišiMalenkost (;
IzbrišiLuškan outfit :)
Aw hvala:)
IzbrišiYou are just adorable and I am so happy that you have started to smile more. I think the braces are adorable and before you know it they will be gone anyway. Summer is a great time of year! Your outfit is so sweet! I love your dress!
I love your photos, you look so happy! You have a beautiful smile Lala! :D
Cute oblekca! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHello :)
I invite you to a contest on my blog.
Gorgeous ! a simple combination that results very well !
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