Paris was always one of my favourite cities. Riveting history, amazing arhitecture and rich cultural heritage are one of many reasons why I feel in love with the city.
Last year my sister moved to Paris because of work and I finally saw the chance to visit the city with my brother. We always talked about visiting her, but never got to actually doing it. It was in the middle of August and the school was coming closer and closer. That's why me and brother decided that we're going to keep our tradition (last year we visted London) and visit our sister for 4 days. We got the tickets last minute and 3 days later we went to Paris.

Day 1: I set up my alarm to wake me up at 7 o'clock but as lazy as I am it's not a suprise that I got up at about 10 o'clock. Me and my brother somehow maneged to pack all things in one suitcase. I know, I know that we were going for only four days but I'm a teenage girl and I need everything for *just in case*. Because our flight was at 2 pm I had time to wash my hair and got ready without rushing around the house, looking for my passport (which has happend). We got to the airport at 12:30 so we checked our bags an then waited at terminal and looked around some shops (I bought a pack od Oreos because you can rarely find them in Slovenia- I know horror). At about 13:30 we started boarding on a plane and at 2.00 we were of to Frankfurt where we change planes. Also that was actually my first time visting Germany-just a fun fact. So then we go on to much comfortable plane and after two hours we were in Paris.

At the Paris airport we almost got lost because that thing is huge. But eventually we found our suitcase and our sister, who was waiting for us at the terminal. Then we went on a train and rode to Paris for about an hour and then change to metro so that we could get to my sister's house. There we had a late lunch and because it was only 7 o'clock we decided to go for a boat ride on Sena so that we had a glimpse of what we're going to see next few days. When we got to center of Paris the sun was just setting down so we had the wonderful view of Paris in sunset (that's where I took the first photo). The boat ride was amazing, We experienced the city of lights in all it's glory.
After that we to my sister's place, got ready for sleep and have a little coversation before we went to bed to catch up. And after that I slept like a baby.

Day 2: The next day was all about sight seeing. Of course my first request was obviously Eiffel Tower,But that day was a bit cloudy and my sister was sceptical about it. But this was my only chance and a little bit of rain wouldn't stop me. When we got to the tower the queue wasn't even that long and we waited for only about 30 mintes (usally you wait for a hour or two). I also decided that I wanted to vist the top of the tower even though I'm a little bit afraid of heights, but I don't know when will I have this opportunity so I wanted to live full experience. First we went to the second floor where we got the full view of Paris. After that it was time for the 3rd floor. Surprisingly I was more excited than nervous. And the view on top was amazing. I couldn't take good photos because of the bars, but I still got some good photos on the second floor.

After that we visited Montmarte which is a quarter in north of Paris, it's basically a huge hill with beautiful houses, cute little shops and cafes. There we just check out some shops and visited Basilica of the Sacré-Cœur. We didn't spend a lot time there because we also wanted to visit Notre Dame which was closing pretty soon. We also didn't spend a lot of time in there for the reasons that I have already mentioned, but it was beautiful and definitly worth checking.

On the third day it was time to do some shoping, because there are a lot of stores that you can't find in Slovenia, We went to Les 4 Temps, which is bigger than any shopping center here. First me and my brother visited Primark where I bought 2 shirts, a blouse and a new handbag. Then we visited Sephora and Mac counter where I bought my first Naked palette and Mac lipstick in shade *Diva*. We also visited some stores where my brother bought some stuff which I can't remember right now. We then went to centre of Paris where we visited more high fashion stores, but homegirl was already broke from that makeup shopping, so I didn't buy anything. We came home pretty late and we were quite exhausted, so we didn't do anything that night.

Also some cards that I bought in some small shops.
*Disclamier: Unfortunately I lost the footage of the last day because my phone chrased and I didn't save them, 'cause I'm a lazy piece of shit.
The last day me and my brother were leaving around 4 o'clock so we had time to visit the Catacombs. The queue was so long that we waited an hour or two, but thankfully we met a lovely family from Canada and we quickly got along. So we visited Catacombs together.
Catacombs are basiclly unerground graveyards where the passageway are made out of bones and skulls. Some people wouldn't like this place, which is completely understandable, but it's not as creepy as you imagine. I quite enjoyed looking at the memorials and different variations of walls. I also made some really cool photos there so I'm really bummed that I lost the footage.
After that it was time to go home, so we went back to my sister's apartment to pick our luggage and we also went to the nearest bakery to buy some cakes for our family. After that we went on a train towards the airport. Our train had a lot of complications and we were stuck for about 20 minutes on a packed train so we almost missed our flight and my anxiety level was on the edge. But thankfully we got to the airport on time and there weren't any complications. So we got home safely with another wonderful trip behind us.
2017 note: This trip was a while back, but I quitted blogging for a while, I don't know I just lost the drive and the inspiration that I had. I had a lot of problems that I had to dealt with and I didn't find time for blogging. I don't know how much I'm gonna post here and I'm not promising anything. But I will try to find more time for my creative thoughts. Nonetheless I still hope that've you enjoyed this post you're gonna be on board for my irregular schedule.
Snapchat: Larajemec
Absolutely great!
Glad you enjoyed your stay!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHave a great day,
Almost Stylish
Thank you
IzbrišiBeautiful post and pictures!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWould you like to follow each other? Follow me on Blog and Google+ and I'll follow you back!
I've also been to Paris once for a few days and loved it!
Almost Stylish
wow amazing post<3
OdgovoriIzbrišiWe wish you a great day